Thursday, February 19, 2009

how can you tell if they glow in the dark if you're wearing pants?

not to long ago....mary and i were in walmart...
mary was shopping and i probably was roaming...
i was walking along minding my own business...
when i saw this display in the middle of the main aisle..
from far away...
it had brightly colored glow in the dark colored product..
i thought..
oh that's intersting...
i should see what all the color's about...
i went to check it out...

you can imagine my suprise..
and my thought process..
as i realized..
the glow in the dark product on this display...
turned out to be...
panty liners...

because i'm not a woman...
i'm not positive why there is a market for...
colorful glow in the dark panty liners...
so...the best i can figure...
is if you have a need for panty liners..
you might as well be wearing ones..
that have colors that can cheer you up....

this afternoons music...
0 + s......permanant scar....

"....what kind of wound,
leaves a permanant scar,
on a beautiful heart...."

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